Sunday, March 16, 2008

getting cultured

Beside being beaten upon by this magical waterfall, we all took part in an engaging week of cultural interaction where we were exposed to handicrafts, the resourcefulness of Samoan people and how they use coconuts, and countless other native flora for thousands of uses in their daily lives. We participated also in the preparation of the "umu" the earth oven that Samoans use to prepare their traditional feast. Coconut cream, fish, and roast pig, taro, palusami - these are just a few parts of the magnificent meals that we were eating all week long, all elements of the meal are things that Samoan people have in their plantations or in their waters. Amazing.

1 comment:

joshua said...

I gotta say that this is one of the very best blogs I've ever visited yet.

Congrats! Take this words as a blossom blessing as I'm bloguing around!