Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ben's Belated Blog Birthday

Whilst in Samoa, our boy Ben celebrated his 20th birthday!

We noticed while staying near several beaches in Samoa that Ben could be spotted walking slowly down the beach, scouring for small treasures. Usually he would turn up with small and delicate items that he noticed to show some of the rest of us.

So, we arranged for a nice embarrassing birthday song with everyone else at the beach resort. We made him a fashionable coconut bra, snazzy palm hat, and presented him with a Kava stick to be our leader. He adorned himself proudly with his new birthday costume for all to see, and proceeded to eat his breakfast. We then sent him along the beach to discover some items that we made for him to discover.

All the students and staff found an item and fixed a small note to it. Some were bananas, some were large shells, some were empty bottles, and one was even a discarded bag of hamburger flavored treats. We then carefully laid the items out along the beach, hoping to goodness that the dogs and children along the beach wouldn't trample or munch our precious treasures while we ran back to get Ben started on his treasure hunt. Ben was soon sent along with a palm basket to slowly walk down the beach and discover these items, taking his time as he walked. He returned with a basket full of birthday wishes, a big smile, and another year under his belt. Way to go, Ben, you did it!

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